Be a part of something bigger and prepare to be blessed...
Unleash Generosity
As the year comes to a close, know that your gifts from this year allowed us to continue to reach our community and the world with the transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can also look back and see how consistent gifts of tithes and offerings have made a Kingdom impact. Please prayerfully consider what God has done and will do in this year. We are thankful and blessed but also know there is so much more God wants to do.
Make regular sacrificial giving a consistent part of your life so you don't miss out on the things that God wants to do through YOU! No amount is too big or too small for God to use. Trust Him.
Here are a few amazing accomplishments from 2024...
60+ kids, students, and leaders attended summer camp
12 life apps were learned by kindergarten through 5th graders
52 adventures with Ollie the Owl were had by our preschoolers
30+ people have been baptized proclaiming their faith
10+ community partners have been blessed
427 people have joined SC Online on Circle
7,700+ podcast downloads this year alone reaching 39 countries
189 families joined the mission of giving for the 1st time
200+ people are being encouraged through 35 community groups
156 Lionheart families are being transformed
100+ kids are being loved on every weekend
250+ active World Vision sponsorships from Springcreek
Countless people & families blessed by benevolence assistance
Plus, so much more!
If you haven't started your generosity journey, now is a great time to start. Check out all the easy ways there are to give below. You can make a difference this year and beyond, both inside and outside our walls, as lives are transformed through the ministry of Springcreek! Thank you for your faithful generosity.
Pray. Give. Go.
Please prayerfully consider how you can join with us in giving generously and regularly to support the work of the church as we serve our community, locally and globally. If you have not already, please consider setting up a recurring online gift - no amount is too small. Then, text GIVE to 96995 to get started.
We are all hands on deck, 24x7, connecting with people in our congregation and community, taking care of crises, and reaching out digitally with online services and meaningful content to share the gospel. The ministry of this church goes on, both inside and outside our walls, because of you! Your generosity is what makes all of us united as people of God and we are thankful!
God provides for the ministry of our church through your tithes and offerings and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability to our leadership team. It’s more than keeping the lights on and the gears turning; it’s about personal worship to God and handing Him back what He already owns… and it’s about lives changing through the transformative power of the Gospel in our region and beyond.
"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
- 1 Chronicles 29:14
Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gets real about money and possessions. In particular, He wants to know in what and in whom are we placing our security. According to Jesus, there really are only two ways to live – as if it all depends on us or as if it all depends on God. What we strive for in the pursuit of money can be ours without the anxiety, worry or stress. He promises we’ll have all we truly need if we learn how to trust Him.
Got questions? Explore answers to these questions... Where is your treasure? Who is your God?
Giving reflects a grateful heart and hundreds of individuals and families give generously and joyfully every week to continue the ministry at Springcreek Church. No matter where you've been or what you've done, you matter to God and you matter to us. We're glad you're here. Each service and event experience is our gift to you, no strings attached. If you're a guest, please feel no obligation to give. But if you want to join with us to make a difference in our community, we invite you to join our members and attenders here at Springcreek who give joyfully with a spirit of generosity.
Visit Website or App
It's simple, easy, and convenient to give online now through our website or Springcreek app!
Text GIVE to 96995
Text to give anytime, anywhere from the touch of your cell phone.
Use a Giving Kiosk
For your convenience, swipe your card at one of our Giving Kiosks in the Welcome Center.
Drop Off Checks or Cash
Drop checks directly into an Offering Box in the main auditorium. Please use a giving envelope for cash only.
Donate Crypto/Stocks/Assets
Consider giving crypto, stocks, bonds, land, or other assets that might be converted into cash. Questions? Contact us.
There are several ways you can be a blessing to others and make a Kingdom impact by giving above and beyond your normal tithe offering. Think about resources that come your way over the course of a year, quarterly, or year-end bonuses, incentives, commissions or dividends and how they might factor into how much you could give. Then, simply choose the funds you would like to contribute to and bless from the dropdown menu when giving online. Learn more about these funds below:
Together, we can reach our goal!
Giving to our Building Fund helps us all to make a concerted effort to pay off and retire as much of our building debt as possible. This will allow us to free up more resources for ministry impact locally and globally. Your gift will move us closer to our goal that for every dollar we spend within our walls, we will spend a dollar outside our walls.
Love your neighbor!
Serving Communities are dedicated groups of people committed to living life among and serving our community's most vulnerable people groups. By pouring their time, talent, resources, and relationships into ministry to the vulnerable, they live out Jesus' "good news to the poor" and make the Kingdom of God tangible in the margins of our society. Serving Communities are high commitment teams that are dedicated to ministry for local missions, community partners, and to each other. Be a part of something bigger! Learn more about our Outreach partners.
Make a world of difference!
We go where Jesus goes—into the margins of those in need. As a community of diverse and imperfect people, we are on a journey to experience and share the restorative and perfect love of Jesus. God has called us to be agents of hope and healing, to give voice to the most vulnerable, and to champion God's kingdom of love on Earth through our simple acts of service and sacrifice.
Learn more about our Global Mission partners.
Love your neighbor by helping others in need!
Giving to benevolence allows us all to connect with God's heart for humanity in need. We offer accountable assistance for needs within the Springcreek community and in the community around us throughout the year. Please prayerfully consider a gift to the benevolence fund beyond your tithe and regular giving. By doing this you will be engaging in a sense of worship and grace far beyond the gift itself.
Help send a kid to camp and transform lives!
It is our desire that every child wanting to participate in a Springcreek NextGen event/activity have that opportunity, if possible. However, we realize that personal financial circumstances sometimes make it difficult for families to allow their child(ren) to participate. The generous donations given for NextGen Scholarships allow us all to connect with God's heart for kids and families in need.
Help single-parent and working families get quality, affordable care and education for their children.
Giving to the Lionheart scholarship fund allows us to provide quality childcare for families that need assistance. Your donations help us convey that families and kids matter to God and they matter to us.
God’s Word calls us to obediently “tithe” (give 10%) of what He gives us, to do His kingdom work. “Offerings” given to God are gifts above and beyond our tithes. Tithes and offerings are vital to the health of our church and provide for all the areas of ministry and outreach.
That might mean being lavishly generous or simply sacrificial… like sacrificing a fast food meal once a week and giving that cost as an offering. What you give should be decided between you and God, and all we ask is that you give in some way from a worshipful and joyful heart.
Prayerfully consider:
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart what to give, not reluctantly of under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
- 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
We are asking that you prayerfully support and sacrificially give to fulfill God’s vision for the future of Springcreek and those we reach with the gospel. Be a part of something bigger and prepare to be blessed!
Thank you for making a Kingdom impact!